Jual Proceq Original Schmidt Type L, Harga Hammer Test Proceq Original Schmidth Type L, Spek & Harga Proceq Original Schmdith Type L, Info Hammer Test Proceq Type L Original Schmidth, 082217294199 jual Proceq Original Schmith Type L
* Type N: Standard impact energy. Minimum thickness of test object: 100 mm (3.9''') and should be firmly fixed in the structure
* Type L: Low impact energy. Suitable for brittle objects or structures less than 100 mm (3.9''') thick
original Schmidt hammer, type L is the ideal option for testing thin
walled items with a thickness between 50 to 100 mm (2''" and 4''') or
for analyzing small components. It is also suitable for examining cast
stone components which are sensitive to impact. In rock mechanics, the
type L Original Schmidt is commonly used for the classification of rock
cores and brittle rock.
The Type L Hammer is a portable and
relatively inexpensive nstrument for measuring the surface hardness of
rock. The hammer can be used efficiently in both the laboratory and the
The mechanism of operation is simple: a hammer released by
a spring, indirectly impacts against the rock surface through a plunger
and the rebound distance of the hammer is then read directly from the
scale ranging from 10 to 70 MPa (1,450 to 10,152 psi).
The type L
hammer is used on NX or larger core specimens or block specimens having
an edge length of at least 6 cm. TC-3040 Calibration Anvil,
manufactured from a special steel alloy, is used for the calibration of
test hammers.
PDF Hammer Test Proceq Original Schmidth Type L
Dapatkan harga terbaik Hammer Test Proceq Type L di 0822.1729.4199 / 0821.1232.5856 ataua email ke atantan.margasetia@gmail.com
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Informasi cara pemesanan dan Harga terbaik Hammer Test Proceq Type N Hubungi :
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Penjual Alat Ukur dan Alat Survey, Alat Telekomunikasi, Alat Lab, GPS handheld, GPS Geodetik, Motor Sirine,
Jalan HKelik No.20 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11550
Phone : 082112325856 / 021.22054159
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E-mail : atantan.margasetia@gmail.com